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Dros y Ffin /

Beyond the Marches

Dros y Ffin / Beyond the Marches was an exciting collaboration featuring some of the finest young contemporary folk musicians in Wales and England. During her time as Project Officer with trac: Music Traditions Wales, Angharad co-managed the project with Neil Pearson from EFDSS.


In a unique artistic residential collaboration, the musicians explored the two countries national archives to unearth traditional songs and tunes that have transcended the border. They then created new material during a short residential at TÅ· Newydd, the National Writing Centre of Wales and former home of David Lloyd George.







Roedd Dros y Ffin yn gydweithrediad cyffrous rhwng rhai o gerddorion gwerin cyfoes mwya blaenllaw Cymru a Lloegr. Tra'n gweithio fel Swyddog Prosiect i trac: Traddodiadau Cerdd Cymru, gwaneth Angharad cyd-rheoli'r prosiect gyda Neil Pearson o EFDSS


Mewn cywaith preswyl creadigol unigryw, gwnaeth y cerddorion ymchwilio archifau cenedlaethol y ddwy wlad, gan dadorchuddio caneuon ac alawon traddodiadol sydd wedi croesi a goresgyn y ffin. Cyfansoddwyd gwaith newydd yn ystod cwrs preswyl yn NhÅ· Newydd, Canolfan Ysgrifennu Cenedlaethol Cymru, a chyn-gartref i David Lloyd George.  








L-R: Georgia Ruth, David Gibb, Elan Rhys,

Ch-Dd: Lucy Ward, Patrick Rimes, Archie Churchill-Moss

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